Going into 2020 none of us could have imagined that we were in for one heck of a ride. I went into this year ready for a fresh starts and new habits -- looking to improve my personal well-being. Miss Corona had other ideas.
As COVID-19 continues its way around the globe, I am grateful to be able to have the luxury of working from home, with all the technological advantages allowing me to continue to meet with co-workers and clients. I am proud to say that our team has continued to remain successful without being in office, but it has not been easy for most of us.
Working from home does have its perks -- outfits have gone a lot more casual (I haven’t worn jeans but maybe once in 9 months), work days are more flexible to combine personal and professional needs, and you are available when the FedEx man delivers your 15th package of the week from Amazon. But there is the sad truth that working alone can make your mind start to wonder in a million different directions and at times you lose your sense of self.
As 2020 comes to close and we look forward to (at least) several more months of Covid-19

social distance, I wanted to share my own personal “musts” for staying sane:
Getting up every day at the same time, getting a shower, and getting “dressed”. (Even if those joggers and sweatshirts are getting put to more use than anything else!)
Having a dedicated workspace. For me, that space is in my bedroom, but making a designated area that meets my “office” needs helps me to separate “work” and “personal” time.
Getting up to move throughout the day, whether it is outside, to the lobby of my building to get the mail, or out to the living room.
Having daily face-to-face conversations with co-workers to check-in – not just about business, but personal check-ins to make sure we are all doing okay. (After all, your cat can only listen to your problems for so long, what with the 22 hours of sleep they need to get each day!)
Know when to shut it down and walk away for the day. It is easy to just keep working when your office is in your home, but keeping a schedule also gives me a sense of normalcy.
It’s okay, we are all in this together and it is also okay to just have those days that you just cannot do it. Take some PTO as needed if you can and just take some “me” time.
Most importantly, remember that you are not alone. Sure, it’s cheesy, but we really are all in this together. Reach out – to colleagues, to friends, or even to me if you just need a friendly voice to remind you that we’ll make it through this.
With that, I wish you a happy and healthy holiday season – and look forward to a successful 2021!